Smoked Salmon & Scrambled Eggs with Lemon

- 1 toasted bagel (or a slice of bread)
- A slice of Smoked Salmon
- Sprinkle of black pepper
- A wedge of Lemon
- Scrambled Eggs.

- Plate
- Jug
- Whisk/Fork

If you fancy a little something extra special, this would be perfect and if your prepping skills are up to par, you can also have this finished in roughly 15 minutes. Maybe even less.
Also, this could be a perfect treat for lunch time, so definitely don’t keep it to the morning hours.

To do:
Turn on your grill (or toaster) and whilst waiting for it to heat up, pull out your plate, slice up your lemon and place aside your piece of Salmon ready to go. Depending on how well you like your toast, you can finish both your bread and eggs at the same time.

First, lie out your toast, place on the salmon and scrambled eggs before sprinkling on black pepper along with the wedge of lemon.

My best tip for making scrambled eggs is keep it on a low heat…eggs can burn very quickly and if you leave them too long, they will burn.
When making, please feel free to add additional flavours: salt, pepper or even corridor!

If you haven’t quite yet develop the knack of making scrambled eggs, here is a link to the recipe; it’s really simple and you can spruce it in so many ways.

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